
Posts Tagged ‘relationship history’

25 questions #1

December 2, 2009 2 comments

Hello all! I haven’t been on in quite some time due to things that I have going on in life outside the internet.  I got a new job, Thanksgiving  has come and go, Black Friday, and a whole host of  other happenings. Anyway, I’m back and here to announce that I’m going to post a series of questions(25 representing the 25 days of Christmas) in the coming days that I would like to see some feedback on as they are questions that affect all of us at one point in our lives and I’m very curious to see the responses these posts get.So, today here’s my first question.  When it comes to seeking new love after a not so good dating/relationship history, does having a wall up to protect your heart  keep you safe or prevent you from receiving the love you want? So, there you go shoot away with your responses and I’ll see you guys tomorrow with another question.