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Its that time of the year again…ughhhhh

November 6, 2009 Leave a comment

Ladies and gents, it’s that time of the year again. We’re approaching Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks and that’s usually the day that you spend with your family eating way more than you normally would due to the feast that lies in front of you, watch football,  see that cousin who’s on his Thanksgiving vacation from jail (this doesn’t apply to all, it’s sad but true but there are a few fellow people out there who can definitely relate to what this means) catch up with your family as far as whats new in their lives, laugh at your drunk uncle(almost every American family has one) and just plain ol relax! It’s a day off for most and we try to do as little as possible and for many it is also a day to be grateful for. Then there’s that Black Friday sale that you look forward to the following day in which you can rack up on all of those little things that you’ve been waiting for to go on sale, (if you are a prudent shopper like myself, if not kudos to you!)  and come off with a Kings Ransom of goods for your personal enjoyment. Then you have all the Thanksgiving parties at the bowling alleys, bars, clubs and lounges that you can go to and enjoy completely without worrying about going to work the next day because likely you’re off.  Fast forward a month to a month ahead and there you are at Christmas. For myself and countless others this is a day to rejoice for it is the day that we celebrate Jesus Christ’s arrival in this world in a humble manger. For some its just another day and for business minded organizations and people who do don’t really care for the real meaning of Christmas, it’s all about the gifts. Whether you’re a purchaser or receiver, people are serious about their gifts.  There have been breakups and all kinds of craziness going on because of the gift received or given or even more so, the lack thereof.  They say: “It’s better to give than to receive” but try telling that to someone who purchased a PS3 for their mate and all they received is a sweater and some fruitcake! That’s an instant Friday Night Fight!  Then about a week later, we bring in the New Year. This is a time where we go food shopping for our parents(or family members) to get a nice meal for New Year’s Day and to combat those old myths about bringing in the New Year a certain way.  That New Year’s Eve we gear up in our finest, and head to either one or two general destinations, and for some, both. Some people bring in the New Year in their house of worship, others bring their New Year in a bar, restaurant, hotel, lounge, some go to their place of worship first and goes to the latter afterward and then some of us just stay at home and bring in the New Year quietly.  Oh, I forgot to add one thing, drinking! There’s more drinking going on during this one day than Oktoberfest in Germany which lasts for 16 days! Sadly enough, there are more drunk driving accidents and fatalities at this time as well. So be careful folks! Please, know your limits! But overall, this holiday is generally the most festive one!  For single people like myself and others, the picture I just painted is a general view of how I see the holiday season. However, there is a another side of the story for us single people as well. While we’re there stuffing our faces with our fellow brethren, we see the new additions to the family in the form of children and relationships. The children are always so adorable and the couples look like the very definition of love epitomized. We’re not necessarily envious of these beautiful additions to the family, but if you’re a person like myself whom has no children and is single and also a heart; you can’t help but to relish the love formed by those unions and creations (relationships and babies). Those things are what some of us single people would like to have for ourselves at some point in our lives, whether we admit or not. The thought of having someone there for you to right your wrongs, make you feel like you have a partner in this tough, short life and seeing a miniature version of yourself are gifts of love. As single people, depending on your level of activity on the social scene, you may have a few friends or may even be talking to someone with the  possibility of it going somewhere, but the pinnacle of satisfaction is a meaningful, productive and happy relationship. Think about it. As my man Katt Williams said, single people are very happy and exciting people; so as long as they’re out and about! LOL He also said that when they get home and get in that lonely kitchen, it hits them! This is so true for myself and others ! SMH LOL The holiday season heightens those feelings of loneliness to a point where you miss your most recent relationship or at the very least the good parts of it. It has you going down memory lane back to when you were happy, in love, singing love songs, and having spectacular sex!  However, while those holiday parties take your mind away from these thoughts for a little while and are something to look forward to; coming home alone to a cold, empty bed in a lonely dwelling is  so not cool and for some a dark place in life! LOL There are times when I say to myself, “It’s that time of the year again…ughhhhh” and its then that I prepare myself for those feelings of being alone in order to combat further negative thoughts and actions. I also use that thought as reminder to be grateful for all the things in my life because things can be much worse and for some they actually are.  Nevertheless, I encourage all to do what I do and make the best out of this holiday season and life in general.