
Posts Tagged ‘all star’

Question #12

December 18, 2009 2 comments

Hello Everyone! Today is Friday! TGIF! Aren’t you glad that we made it to this day! Of course you are! This is the last post of the week so, enjoy!  Yesterday after speaking with a dear friend of mines we came up with today’s question. (thanks Crys!) In life, mostly everyone that gives a damn about their life and their position in it are trying to strive for the better. Some of us are going to school while working, working two jobs, getting enhanced job training,studying classes to open their own business and many other things. In other words we are all trying to be like cream and rise to the top as once said by a colleague of mines. The Bible even speaks of this with this paraphrased verse:”To whom much is given, much is required”. It takes hard work to attain the goals we set for ourselves and our future well being. Typically, the more arduous it is to get where you want, the bigger the reward tends to be. I tip my hat off to those out there who are going about this alone. I believe they often have it the hardest. They go about seeking out an enhanced life without the support of others and the constant push of others that is often needed. Working hard to achieve your goals is noble in the sense that instead of remaining complacent with your current status, you choose to dig deep within yourself and seek a higher status or calling in life. Friends to give advice along the way while you’re having a discouraging moment and  family to just give any kind of support whether it be financial, emotional, mental, or something simple as watching your kids for you while you study, is essential to one’s success. You count on these two groups of people to be your backbone when you feel there is none and your strength in time of weakness. It is also important that these individuals are positive, want the best for you, are not “haters” and most importantly in my opinion, don’t have any ulterior motives behind their help. When are surrounded by an all star cast of such great people, there is often no limit to what you can become! This is why I say, that those whom make it without a supporting cast are truly special! So, my question today for all of you out there, is what do you do when all of the family and friends you depend upon for support and guidance are the most negative people around you? Please feel free to comment on this issue as it may help many others including yourselves. Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday!